Wednesday 4 November 2009

Completed Preliminary Task

Our Preliminary task is a simple short video showing someone walking through a door, walking into a room, sitting down and having a conversation. This showed that we could demonstrated simlple filming rules.

When filming our Preliminary task, i found we had no problems and filmed everything needed to make our preliminary task what it needed to be. However, when it came to editing i did struggle as i had never used a Mac Book to edit before so it was very fiddly and took more time to edit than it did to film.

Overall, i am pleased with our preliminary task, although the editing is not perfect and there are a few jumpy moments in there i feel my group did a good job for a first attempt. It helped us begin to get used to the editing equipment and prepare us for what we are going to have to do for our final film opening production.


J.M.M said...

I think your preliminary task is really good, and I think it's really good how detailed your evaluation of it is.


Balj said...

i think you preliminary task went well, as you kept it short and simple, and got all that factors that were needed in the scenes.
